Instructor Spotlight: Ms. Jazz

December 20, 2023

Ms. Jazz (aka Jazlyn) is a superstar Junior STEM instructor at both our Claremont and Rancho Cucamonga STEM Centers. Jazz joined us in June 2022 as a STEM Center summer camp instructor and has been a joyous part of our team ever since.

What is your major, university, and future work goals?

Jazlyn joined our team as a Junior STEM instructor in June 2022. She is studying Communication and Public Relations at Cal Poly Pomona. Her career goals include assisting in further innovating the beauty industry and highlighting the important connection between beauty, sustainability and science.

Quote from Ms. Jazz: “I love working with the students here because you get to see their excitement as soon as they walk in. The kids love to create and always have such fun customizing their projects, and to help them with that is fulfilling in itself.”

Outside of STEM Center USA, share something special you’re working on now or will be working on soon. It could be an internship, a hobby, or something you’re passionate about!

I love to upcycle old clothes I find in the back of my closet or find when I am out thrifting. I think it is really important to shop sustainably to the best of your ability. I also am currently interning at MARA Beauty and am excited to have my foot in the door of the industry I hope to one day be a part of.

What have you learned in your time as an instructor? How has this helped you personally or professionally?

I have learned that everything is a learning process and it is okay to make mistakes as long as you are willing to learn from them.

"I enjoy aiding the children in displaying their creativity within their projects."
"It is amazing to see a child take what they learn and use it to create their own unique story for their build or program."

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